Risk assessment: the key step in the establishing of the workstation sheet

The library contains factual background information that is useful to user undertakings and temporary work agencies. This information is intended to help you develop the workstation sheet and to improve the health, safety and well-being of temporary workers.

PI-F's documents are technical documents relating to certain workstations or functions frequently held by temporary workers. They provide useful information for working safely in these positions and can be an aid in developing the workstation sheet. 

External resources refer to external websites that provide general, relevant and reliable information on risks, prevention measures and well-being at work. They can also be an aid to properly fill out workstation sheets. 

PI-F's documents

Prevention and Interim has compiled a series of practical documents for prevention advisors and user undertakings in its online library. Access these documents here.

They are intended to facilitate and assist those responsible for prevention and safety in the temporary sector.

Contact the PI team for further information.

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External resources

Here are some links to external sources of information. They provide general information on workplace well-being and risk prevention that can be useful to properly complete workstation sheets. 

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Hier vind je de relevante wetgeving met betrekking tot de werkpostfiche.

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Hier vind je de risicoanalyses uit de PI-F's.

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NAPO Films

Risicoanalyse is een essentiële stap om risico's te beperken en de veiligheid en gezondheid van uitzendkrachten te waarborgen.

Volg daarom de avonturen van NAPO hier, waarbij enkele risico’s geïllustreerd worden waarmee uitzendkrachten te maken krijgen bij het uitvoeren van hun opdrachten.

Veel kijkplezier

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OiRA is een internetplatform waarmee op een eenvoudige en gestandaardiseerde manier en in elke taal sectorale risicobeoordelingstools kunnen worden gecreëerd.

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